Cinema Spotlights

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Justice League Lives Up To its Namesake

From Left to Right: Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman, Ray Fischer as Cyborg, Ben Affleck as Batman, Jason Momoa, and Ezra Miller as The Flash.
With Hollywood going through a superhero cinema renaissance and Marvel being front and center, it's no secret that its rival company DC comics haven’t had the best of luck with critics and audiences. As a fan of both properties, I’ll admit Marvel has made better films but DC isn’t all that bad. Granted Man of Steel is mediocre with some high and low points and while I understand the hate behind Batman v. Superman I have my gripes with it as well but found the end result adequate. Suicide Squad, has been the only unpleasant film from DC; I fell asleep on a second viewing. After Wonder Woman brought a glimmer of hope for the franchise could Justice League do the same or was everyone right to think this was dead from the start?
With Superman (Henry Cavill) mankind’s symbol of hope dead, a new evil in the form of Steppenwolf (CiarĂ¡n Hinds) and his parademon army, begin their planetary assault in search for the Mother Boxes; high-tech cubes holding the key to his conquest. Facing a threat like never before, Batman (Ben Affleck) and Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot) search for allies in their fight against this axe-wielding aggressor; Barry Allen (Ezra Miller), Victor Stone (Ray Fischer) and Arthur Curry (Jason Momoa) also known as the Flash, Cyborg and Aquaman.
As the movie started I was inclined to agree with the masses and give it a rotten review as it carried vibes of Thor: The Dark World (the weakest of the Marvel films); all spectacle but empty on character and plot. Then the second act ended with a crucial moment that gave the movie a much needed pulse; from that point on, I was smiling to the end. 
We've come to expect these dark and serious flicks from DC but Justice League is surprising lively compared to its predecessors; like Wonder Woman, it's a step in the right direction. It may not be the best superhero film but out of the ones to come out this year this is the one I enjoyed the most. Perhaps its due to the fact that Joss Whedon, director of Marvel's The Avengers and its sequel Age of Ultron, took over the project after Zack Snyder understandably stepped down due to a family tragedy. The movie is still Snyder's but has Whedon's mark having contributed 20% of the picture earning a screenplay credit.
I cared for the characters flawed as they are, you understand their motivations when they interact with each other. Characters like Batman and Superman finally feel like their comic-book counterparts. the caped crusader is brooding and and a bit brash but knows when not to cross the line, and the Last Son of Krpton feels like the beacon of hope that the character embodies that only after death does everyone come to that realization. Wonder Woman is awesome as ever along with Jeremy Irons as Batman's butler/technician Alfred. The newcomers are a welcome addition with Ezra Miller as the Flash being the stand-out. The youngest and eager member of the league may not be much of a fighter with his lightning speed but proves to be a valuable asset with a funny line or with small details that give the team a winning edge. 
It may not look as much but details like helping Wonder Woman reach for her sword
with a little push keeps the team on their toes. 
Of the returning cast includes Amy Adams as Lois Lane who is a bit tolerable in this movie though her romance arc could still use some work. Rounding out the new cast is J.K. Simmons as Commissioner Gordon who despite small amount of screen time his role never felt shoed-in or meaningless fanservice.
Like Whedon, J.K. Simmons switches from Marvel to DC
What makes the Marvel films work is balancing its fun and serious moments; DC’s previous rosters got the serious part but it overshadowed everything else. With Justice League it finally achieves what was lacking this whole time: fun. The feeling I had when I watched the cartoons and seeing it come to life while maintaining that same energy of not too dark but not too silly.
Getting ready
As usual there are some negative points mostly the villain, a generic big baddie who is menacing as a Power Ranger villain that we have seen several times. While not memorable you eventually go with the flow as he goes toe-to-toe with our heroes. With the shortest run-time for a superhero film at two hours and a minute, it does get rushed with a couple of scenes that could have used a bit more quality time.   
With the franchise facing an uncertain future who knows if more will come or receive a reboot makeover. I'd stick with the option of moving forward, but if that is not meant to be, the film works on its own and a nice conclusion despite the sequel-baiting after the end credits.
The hero we need or even deserve?
It’s an interesting parallel with the characters particularly Batman and the filmmakers who are trying to make-up for mistakes made in Dawn of Justice. It's with Justice League do they realize that they may not make film as good as Marvel but can still strive to make a good film in general.
Final Verdict: B

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