Cinema Spotlights

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Captain Marvel Soars to Marvelous Heights

I knew more about the Skrulls than Captain Marvel before watching this movie. But if Doctor Strange and Black Panther taught me anything, is that I tend to enjoy comic-book movies the less I know about the source material. All I knew about Captain Marvel was that she seemed to be a cross between Superman and Goku. Super in strength, speed, flight and endurance; fire beams of energy and glows when she reaches her ultimate form. After the outcome in Avengers: Infinity War, I can see how she can turn the tide in Avengers: Endgame.

Captain Marvel and Starforce partaking a mission
Captain Marvel (Brie Larson) is a hero from two worlds. On the Planet Hala, home of the Kree, she is a rookie training under her mentor Yon-Rogg (Jude Law) and joining his command team Starforce in their fight against the shape-shifting Skrulls, their mortal enemy. On Earth she is an air force fighter pilot with her best friend Maria Rambeau (Lashana Lynch). A fact she is now discovering after crash landing on Earth in 1995. With the help of a young Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) she searches for clues about her past as Starforce make their way to find their lost comrade, and the Skrulls not far behind, lead by their leader Talos (Ben Mendelson). It all leads to the mysterious Dr. Wendy Lawson (Annette Benning), who seems to be the key player in all this.
Captain Marvel and her friend Maria Rambeau
Captain Marvel is a movie that lives up to the hero's name thanks to writing & directing duo Anna Boden and Ryan K. Fleck. Seeing her pushed down repeatedly makes it more uplifting when she realizes her full potential and the power she has inside. All thanks to Larson who is spot-on in her superhero debut. The only thing that was lacking was more time dedicated to Captain Marvel's early life and show why she became the person she is. Most is explained by either another character or in a sketchy flashback but a bit more development wouldn't have hurt. Jackson is delightful as always as a young Nick Fury who makes for a great partner with Larson. Ever since Micheal Douglass was remarkably de-aged in Ant-Man, the technique has gotten better as we see it applied with Jackson, who in his seventies now looking in his late forties.
Captain Marvel and Nick Fury in stealth mode. 
During the first hour, I was having my doubts as the film looked more like a mesh between Green Lanturn and Alita: Battle Angel; a generic superhero movie with a weary amnesia storyline. Then a twist happens in the second act that had me reevaluate my initial thoughts. One of them being Mendelson who makes for a surprising scene-stealer next to Jackson. His confrontation with Captain Marvel makes for the movie's most effective scene.
Talos and the Skrulls arriving on Earth. 
Captain Marvel serves as an excellent prequel to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Setting many events in motion and tying up a few, if not all, loose ends. In addition to Jackson, Clark Gregg reprises his role as a young Agent Coulson along with Djimon Houson and Lee Pace whose characters would reappear in Guardians of the Galaxy. It's a movie I wouldn't mind watching first before Iron Man and Captain America: the First Avenger.

Final Verdict: A-

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